Laboratory of Thin Films

Our main line of research consists of modifying and characterizing surfaces. The work in progress at LFF includes nanocomposites formed by metallic nanoparticles on insulating substrates; cross-sectional study of hair fibers using force spectroscopy; development of substrates for use in SERS; in the medical field, the characterization of cancer cells using AFM, aiming at the early diagnosis of the disease, among other works. The surface changes are through plasma treatment; ion implantation; generation of micro and nanostructures on surfaces through micro and nano fabrication; deposition of amorphous or nanostructured thin films. The most used surface characterizations consist of probe scanning microscopy, including AFM, STM, MFM, EFM and other modes of operation; scanning electron microscopy, including secondary electron imaging, backscattering and microanalysis; optical microscopy of visible light and fluorescence; contact angle measurement, including determination of surface energy of solids and surface tension of liquids.


Main email:


Professor Maria Cecília Salvadori (lab head)   email:   + 55 11 3091-6857

Staff   +55 11 3091-6625


Instituto de Física da USP
Departamento de Física Aplicada
Rua do Matão, Travessa R, 187
Cidade Universitária - Butantã
CEP 05508-090
Salas 125A a 128 e subsolo - Ed. Basílio Jafet