
In this page you can find a web version of my professional resume, or academic curriculum.

For those interested on it, here you can find my Curriculum Lattes in portuguese. For the english version, use the previous link and click on ‘English’ button at the top-right area of the page.

Academic Background

Bachelor's Degree in Physics

Degree granted at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Teaching Assistance
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Exchange Student Period *

* Exchange Student Period

Visiting student at University of Helsinki, Finland.

  • Monte Carlo Simulations
  • High Performance Computing
  • Scientific Computing
  • Linux Fundamentals
Sep 2015 - Jun 2016

Master's Degree in Physics

Degree granted at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Chaos and Stochacity
  • Plasma Physics
  • Teaching Assistance
  • Graduate Research

Ph.D. in Physics

Degree granted at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Chaos and Stochacity
  • Plasma Physics
  • Teaching Assistance
  • Graduate Research

About the Exchange Period (2015-2016)

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University of Helsinki's Kumpula Campus.
Physicum was the building dedicated to Physics, Geography and Geology.
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Exactum was the building dedicated to Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science.
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The area around the main lounge of the Physicum building.
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Study areas inside the Physicum building.
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The main campus of the University of Helsinki. There, the international students can have their Finnish classes.

From September 2015 to June 2016 I was enrolled as an exchange student in the University of Helsinki, in Finland. This was thanks to the Science Without Borders programme of Brazil’s Federal Government and CNPq (one of the major Brazilian funding agencies).

During this period, I took mainly courses related to computational physics, statistics, and data treatment, such as: Tools for High Performance Computing, Scientific Computing II, Linux Fundamentals, Basics of Monte Carlo Simulations and Monte Carlo Simulations in Physics. Some of them were graduate-level courses.

Work Experience

Internal Audit at Santander

Internal Audit at Santander, São Paulo, Brazil.


My research projects were partially supported by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation), funding agencies from the Brazil Federal Government and São Paulo State Government, respectively.


  1. Transporte turbulento de partículas e de energia no tokamak TCABR.Turbulent Transport of Particles and Energy at Tokamak TCABR
    Advisor: Prof. PhD. Zwinglio de Oliveira Guimarães Filho.
    Local: Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, IFUSP, Brazil.
    Fellowship: PIBIC - Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Fellowships (CNPq).
    Period: 2017.
  2. Caracterização Química dos Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis Biogênicos via GC/MS.Chemical Caracterization of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds via GC/MS
    Advisor: Prof. PhD. Jose Oscar William Vega Bustillos.
    Local: Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research, IPEN, Brazil.
    Fellowship: PROBIC - Program of Scientific Initiation Fellowships (CNPq).
    Period: 2014-2015.


  1. Busca por evidências de dinâmica caótica nas flutuações turbulentas de densidade em plasmas.Searching for Evidences of Chaotic Dynamics in the Turbulent Fluctuations of Plasma Density
    Advisor: Prof. PhD. Zwinglio de Oliveira Guimarães Filho.
    Funding: CNPq Master's Degree Fellowship and FAPESP Research Grant.
    Period: 2018-2021.
    Defense Presentation: To be added.
    Master's Dissertation: USP's Thesis and Dissertations Repository.



  1. Coming soon.

Conference Proceedings

  1. FONTENELLE, A. L. ; CREPALDI, C. ; HIDALGO, I. G. . Urban wind generation: use of reanalysis data to calculate Weibull parameters. In: XIII Latin-American Congress on Electricity, Generation and Transmission, 2019, Santiago. Book of abstracts, 2019.

  2. AMARAL, PRISCILA O.; LEAO, C.; REDIGOLO, MARCELO M.; CREPALDI, CAIKE; BUSTILLOS, Oscar Vega. Analysis of neonicotinoids by gas chromatography coupled to nuclide sup(63)Ni - electron capture detector - GC/ECD. In: International Nuclear Atlantic Conference INAC, 2015, São Paulo. XII ENAN International Nuclear Atlantic Conference INAC. São Paulo: International Nuclear Atlantic Conference INAC, 2015. v. 1. p. 30-32.

  3. REDIGOLO, MARCELO M.; AMARAL, PRISCILA O.; LEAO, C.; CREPALDI, CAIKE; RUSSO, TATIANA; VALERIA DE MENDONÇA; MUNITA, CASIMIRO S.; BUSTILLOS, Oscar Vega. PY-GC-MS applied to the identification of synthetic resins in brazilian painting. In: International Nuclear Atlantic Conference INAC, 2015, São Paulo. XII ENAN International Nuclear Atlantic Conference INAC. São Paulo: International Nuclear Atlantic Conference INAC, 2015. v. 1. p. 20-22.

Teaching Assistance

During my undergraduate and graduate studies, I worked as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for a few undergraduate-level courses at the University of São Paulo. Most of them were experimental physics courses.

Usually, the responsibilities of a TA encompass after-class helping hours, during-class help (for experimental courses), grading student’s assignments, participation in teaching staff meetings. Sometimes, an experienced TA can be tasked with teaching a class, assuming a de facto Professor position for that course only. In those cases, the responsibilities of the TA are the same as an ordinary Professor.

Year Period Course
2021 Apr* Advanced Topics in Statistical Data Processing in Experimental Physics (moodle)
2020-2021 Nov-Mar* Experimental Physics II (moodle)
2020 Feb-Oct* Experimental Physics  I (moodle, auxiliar page)
2019 Aug-Dec Statistical Data Processing in Experimental Physics (moodle)
2019 Aug-Dec Numerical Calculus with Applications to Physics
(TA page)
2019 Jul Fundamental Physics Experiments with Smartphones and Arduinos
(dedicated page)
2019 Feb-Jun Experimental Physics  I (moodle)
2018 Aug-Dec Experimental Physics II (moodle)
2018 Feb-Jun Experimental Physics  V (moodle)
2014 Feb-Jun Experimental Physics  I (moodle)

: As a de facto Professor (responsible for teaching a class).
*: Pandemic version. The chronogram was altered to adapt the courses to a virtual or semi-virtual version.

Since the description of those disciplines is mainly in Portuguese, I will try to translate the main idea behind each of them.

Name Description
Experimental Physics I Objective: Discuss the role of experimentation in the development of physics.
Subject: Mechanics.
Type: Obligatory credits for the Bachelor’s degree.
Experimental Physics II Objective: Formal treatment of experimental data.
Subject: Mechanics & Thermodynamics.
Type: Obligatory credits for the Bachelor’s degree.
Experimental Physics V Objective: Full understanding and rigorous planning of experiments. Consolidation of independence in a laboratory.
Subject: Modern Physics.
Type: Obligatory credits for the Bachelor’s degree.
Fundamental Physics Experiments with Smartphones and Arduinos Objective: Study physical phenomena using smartphone sensors and Arduino.
Subject: Free.
Type: Academic extension course.
Numerical Calculus with Applications to Physics Objective: Study numerical methods in a physical context.
Subject: Errors and Floating Point Notation, Finding Roots, Solving Linear Systems, Interpolation, Linear Regression, Numerical Integration, Ordinary Differencial Equations, Partial Differencial Equations.
Type: Obligatory credits for the Bachelor’s degree.
Statistical Data Processing in Experimental Physics Objective: Formal treatment of experimental data.
Subject: Error Theory, Basics of Metrology, Probability Density Functions, Monte Carlo Simulations, Least Squares Method, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Compatibility Tests.
Type: Free credits for the Bachelor’s degree.

Licenses and Certificates

Automating Team Communication with Google Sheets and Apps Script

Offered by Coursera Project Network

Platform: Coursera
Issued on: Jan. 2021
Credential number: GSYUVCSUFHMT
View credential

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

Offered by Johns Hopkins University

Platform: Coursera
Issued on: Jul. 2020
Credential number: 5U56VX92KEL4
View credential

Modern JavaScript: ES6 Basics

Offered by Coursera Project Network

Platform: Coursera
Issued on: Jul. 2020
Credential number: GSM8SFFAEU3C
View credential

Participation in Events

  1. Brazilian Physical Society’s Autumn Meeting (2020), Brazil (online meeting). Poster presentation: Distinguishing stochacity and chaoticity in TCABR tokamak plasma turbulence.

  2. 1st Perspectives on Oscillation Control (2019), São Paulo, Brazil. Poster presentation: Evidence of chaotic dynamics in plasma density fluctuations in tokamak TCABR.

  3. 12th CBPF School (2019), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Poster presentation: Indícios de caoticidade nas flutuações de densidade local do plasma no tokamak TCABR.Signs of chaotic behaviour in the plasma local density fluctuations in tokamak TCABR See dedicated page here (in portuguese).
  4. Conference on Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (2019), São Paulo, Brazil. Poster presentation: Dynamical nature of plasma density fluctuations in tokamak TCABR. See dedicated page here.

  5. IFUSP’s Summer School (2018). Listener.

  6. 25th SICUSP (2017). Oral presentation: Langmuir Probes’ Characteristic Fitting. See resume here.

  7. Workshop for International Scientific Writing (2016), São Paulo, Brazil. Listener.

  8. ASTS 2015 - Agilent Science and Technology Symposium (2015), São Paulo, Brazil. Listener.

  9. BioMed Central - Authors’ Workshop - Research Integrity and Open Access (2015), São Paulo, Brazil. Listener.

  10. GeLoSP2013 - 7th International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry (2013), São Paulo, Brazil. Listener.


  1. Artificial Intelligence Using Deep Learning and Applications to Physics (2019), 10h, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (Brazilian Center for Physical Research), CBPF, Brazil. Course ministered by Prof. Marcio Portes de Albuquerque (COTEC/CBPF); Prof. Clécio Roque De Bom (CBPF/CEFET-RJ) and Prof. Elisangela Lopes Faria (CBPF).

  2. Introduction to Automation in Measurement Systems (2019), 10h, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (Brazilian Center for Physical Research), CBPF, Brazil. Course ministered by Prof. Geraldo Cernicchiaro (COMAN/CBPF).

  3. Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics (2019), 10h, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (Brazilian Center for Physical Research), CBPF, Brazil. Course ministered by Prof. Constantino Tsallis (CBPF emeritus researcher).

  4. Teaching in Higher Education: A First Approach (2019), 8h, University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil.

  5. Introduction to the Concepts and Practice of Metrology (2019), 8h, University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. Course ministered by Prof. Peter Bode from the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.

  6. Mini-course: Introduction to Quantum Information (2019), 10h, Summer School - Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, IFUSP, Brazil. Course ministered by Prof. Gabriel T. Landi from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

  7. Advanced Fortran Programming (2016), 21h, IT Center for Science, CSC, Finland.

  8. Advanced Threading and Optimization (2016), 21h, IT Center for Science, CSC, Finland.

Positions in Councils, Commissions, and Consulting

  1. On 26th November 2018, I was elected as the graduate-level Student Representative at the Experimental Physics Department (DFEP) Council. My mandate extends from 9th January 2019 to 9th January 2020.

Membership in Societies

  1. Regular member of the Brazilian Physical Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Física, SBF) since September 2020.

  2. Member of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, SBPC) since September 2020.

  3. Effective member of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, SBM) since September 2020.